I am excited to be one of 12 selected artists from around the world to participate in the Pilotenkueche International Residency Program in Leipzig, Germany, and work in the 465m2 communally used space for an period of three months, with 24 hour studio access. Each artist is given a studio of 36m2 of their own and is offered a partial stipend. It is an independent project organised by artists for artists. During the programmed events the studio becomes the exhibition space. The goal is to provide artists with a base to work from, and acts as a conduit to the local art scene. The concept strives to create a communal space for experimental collaboration and discourse between participants, as well as with the greater Leipzig Community.
They focus on an exchange through group dynamics, experimental strategies and trans-disciplinary ethos. The kinetic dialogue in a group of artists influences each to experiment in their art, ideas, approaches and methods. Pilotenkueche wishes to provide participants with the experience of accomplishing something as a group, and moreover, in experimenting with new forms of cooperation which are vital in fostering an independent position in one's work. This leads to an intensive dialogue about individual ideas and working practices, binding the artists temporarily within the group, which leads to a long-term network that exists even after the residency is over. During each round of the residency, the group of artists can realize and show their projects during our program events.
As part of the residency, each artist participates in external studio visits and gallery tours, connecting the artists to the local art scene. The artist also has the chance to take part in an artist talk, which further clarifies their position, open studio events, as well as scheduled consultations and critiques, culminating in a final group exhibition.